karaoke might make me feel better

July 6, 2011

last Wednesday I bicycled into a parked car, leaving me with a black bruise in a location that I cannot show as proof to anyone that I have a high pain tolerance. I lost my cell-phone charger on Monday and today I went to bike home until I realized my back tire was flat. Again.

Oh that’s right, again. As in, this happens all the time. I am fairly used to having to walk my bike home 40 minutes to my house, and usually enjoy the slower pace of a stroll home. But, given the circumstances of the last seven days, I was a bit agitated.

So here I am, blogging about things that in-and-of-themselves don’t really matter that much. But when their powers combine, instead of creating a recycling superhero, grumbles ensue.

Sure, I can see the big picture, perspective as it were; but I would appreciate a little pick-me-up. Karaoke. A dance-off. Boxing. Puddle jumping. A bike ride (with titanium wheels).

Or a hug.

Welp, I have a tube to patch. peace.


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