oh that crazy season

December 11, 2010

I moved into a studio, started biking to work, got a roommate,  found a bigger place to move into next month, and am still trying to find a bike for under $200. I was going to go bike shopping today, but the rain has not let-up from more than twenty minutes at a time. Welcome to Oregon.

And a kid projectile vomited on me monday.


Time is flying by, the year is almost over. I feel like I went from zero to sixty-thousand in moving a few miles north.

But let me focus on the super-important things in life. I went to a sock-exchange last night. It took an hour. Just to exchange socks. If there where any men involved I’m sure the testosterone vibe alone would have sped up the process. But no, no, no, it was a group of women trying to make practical life-decisions on what the most reasonable foot covering would be for their current life situation. business or funky? Black formal or fuzzy and comfy?

Were organic socks present? yes. aloe-infused socks? yes. argyle? ankle and knee-length? yes, and yes. When it was my turn I stole some super-cute/ugly socks. Burgundy with mustard yellow and green stripes, with bright pink reindeer. Could a girl ask for more? I didn’t think so, and I had been safe from steeling, no one seemed to want these diamonds in the cotton/polyester rough.The socks where mine! Until everyone announced that the first person to go got their pic of any socks. Why? It wasn’t my fault they got number one. But it was my problem. Her eyes swept over the room, settling on…yes, my treasures. And she took them. she took them.

But then my boss handed out our Christmas bonus and everything is okay now.