french country music

May 7, 2011

I generally enjoy Pandora radio. I get to hear the music I like, get introduced to new artists, etc, etc. But every once-in-awhile I find myself with a station I don’t remember creating. Such is “I’m not to blame Radio”.  All I can figure is some Canadians from opposite sides of the cultural tracks got together with nothing better to do than make a confusing listening experience. I can’t hear the station for more than an accidentally clicked minute and the hearty french twang leaves me in a state of philosophical bewilderment. Am I in reality or have I transported to a mutated possible world? I can’t get rid of it however, because it makes me chuckle uncomfortably every time I remember what it stands for.

Thinking about Grad school. Why? Do I REALLY want to teach Historical Theology? Strangely, I think so. More so than work with people through art therapy? I don’t know. The only thing I do know  is that I don’t want to paying off debts for the rest of my life. Unless something changes I think that might be what my final decision comes down to. So yes, I am looking into different programs in and out of Portland. I don’t want to leave this land of rain, front-yard farming, be a yokel buy local bumper-stickers, anti-epi-culture sub-culture. I really love it here. So to think of leaving this delightful place with the people who make it up brings a huge sense of dislike to my heart. I am torn in many different directions for a life change I haven’t yet applied for, let alone been excepted into. Welcome to my 10-steps-ahead brain.

So how am I going to correlate these thoughts and tie them together? As this is not being graded I will tell you honestly that there really is nothing other than my own mind. But as I would like you as the visual audience to feel at peace at the end of this reading experience, I will quickly try to pull something out of my boo-tay-tay.

You see, just like Pandora, life full of options that shoot from our personal tastes and then influence our future experience, auditory or otherwise. Which station are you on?


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